Master Génie civil parcours International Masters in Risk Assessment and Management of Civil Infrastructures "NORISK"

Carte d'identité

Diplôme national de master contrôlé par l'État


Le mot du responsable

The NORISK EMJM will provide students with advanced knowledge and skills to work and develop a professional career in the assessment, management, reliability and risk analysis, monitoring, digitalization and intervention on civil infrastructures, particularly, those that support human activities and/or are considered as critical, such as the ones connected to the energy, transport, communications, water, health, defence and national security, banking and financial sectors, among others. In fact, risk assessment combined with concepts such as reliability, robustness, resilience, and sustainability, is a keystone to an optimized asset management, being transversal to all these infrastructures/sectors.

The NORISK will exploit the common denominators that exists in all these sectors by addressing risk assessment towards a better management. Therefore, the EMJM addresses the following key areas on the management of civil infrastructure, which are not being conveniently addressed in the general curricula of classic Bachelor and Master programs :
-  Risk assessment and management
-  Reliability and resilience
-  Management and decision-making tools
-  Monitoring and digitalization
-  Assessment and intervention.

Emilio Bastidas-Arteaga


Comment candidater ?


  • Assessment and intervention techniques on infrastructures obligatoire
    • 65h (30h cours magistraux - 15h travaux dirigés - 20h travail en accompagnement)
    • 5 crédits ECTS
    • Code de l'EC


  • Infrastructure management and decision supporting tools obligatoire
    • 65h (30h cours magistraux - 15h travaux dirigés - 20h travail en accompagnement)
    • 5 crédits ECTS
    • Code de l'EC


  • Integrated Project in Risk Analysis and Management of Infrastructures obligatoire
    • 75h (15h cours magistraux - 60h travail en accompagnement)
    • 5 crédits ECTS
    • Code de l'EC


  • Introduction to risk assessment and management of infrastructures obligatoire
    • 65h (30h cours magistraux - 15h travaux dirigés - 20h travail en accompagnement)
    • 5 crédits ECTS
    • Code de l'EC


  • Monitoring and digitalization of infrastructures obligatoire
    • 65h (30h cours magistraux - 15h travaux dirigés - 20h travail en accompagnement)
    • 5 crédits ECTS
    • Code de l'EC


  • Reliability and risk analysis of infrastructures obligatoire
    • 65h (30h cours magistraux - 15h travaux dirigés - 20h travail en accompagnement)
    • 5 crédits ECTS
    • Code de l'EC


  • Dissertation (4 months) obligatoire
    • 30 crédits ECTS
    • Code de l'EC



Secteurs d'activité

  • BTP, aménagement, énergie

Site Sciences et Technologies

Avenue Michel Crépeau

17042 La Rochelle cedex 1

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Mis à jour le 10 décembre 2024
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